Different Wedding Photo Styles That You Should Know About

Different Wedding Photo Styles That You Should Know About

Planning a wedding is a really huge task; you have to look in to every little detail if you want the perfect wedding whether it is a fairy tale function or a gothic style ceremony. And, at the end of the day, all you will be left with will be the memories of the event. Therefore, you need to consider a lot of things when deciding the manner in which you want to preserve your memories.

Did you know that there are quite a few different styles of photos which can enhance the quality of your memories?


Conventional photos are of course what we have been seeing from the early days. Yes, you got it right; in this type of photos you pose for the photographs. The photographer NYC will generally let you know how to pose for the photo and you will be quite stiff. He/she will be arranging everything from the background right down to your attire to get the pre decided shot he/she wants.This is the best type if you are conventional and want portrait type photos but may look a bit too artificial in a wedding album as everything has been organized.


This is a common type of photography you see these days as it is informal and allows the couple to behave as freely as they want while the photos are being taken. As opposed to traditional photos you do not have to pose and act the way someone else wants you to so that the photos will be perfect. The professional you hired will capture the best moments as they happen and you will not be bothered even for a moment with a request to “stay this way or that way”.However, if the person you chose is not as skilled in the art of taking photos as you thought he/she was, you may be in trouble. You will end up with loads of snaps which do not preserve your memories properly as there is no second chance for the person taking the photos and he/she cannot ask you to recreate a specific moment. Check this link https://www.i-am-nyc.com/surprise-proposals/ to find out more details.

Moreover, the photos that are taken are so natural and, therefore, may be devoid of creativity.

Fine art

This type incorporates a bit of both worlds; you have a bit of posing and a bit of natural behaviour. This is becoming increasingly popular as most believe that this will ensure that the photos taken reflect the event just as you wanted. Further, this will give the person taking the photos to use his/her imagination and request you to do a bit of posing so that he/she can take the most magnificent photo ever.Always take care to choose a cameraman who uses a style that fits your personality and liking to avoid disappointments.

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